Hey there!

Alex and Alen here✌

We’re two crypto enthusiasts that manage and update NFTs Corner. A place where you can find everything you need to know about NFTs and web3.

Our mission is to present you the complexity of web3 and NFTs in simple terms.

We think that crypto will revolutionize the existing financial system and NFTs will have a great impact on it as well. About NFTs – and we’re not speaking of the mainstream part like selling images of monkeys for millions. Rather, the meaning of this, and how it’s done. We want to share a first-hand experiences, and some cool stuff that will help you better understand these digital assets and “web3” overall.

If you stick long enough you’ll learn how NFTs operate, what’s their meaning for art, and their long-term value for the financial system in the future.

Everything in this blog is derived from our personal experience and the experience of some brilliant people we hung out with. We’ve engaged in crypto and NFTs in late 2019 and were part of the biggest “bull run” in the crypto space. We’ve witnessed the rise of NFTs and took part in some sensational stories that changed people’s lives. And we want to share them so others could make use of it.

As we said, our mission is to educate and spread our knowledge about NFTs and web3 to as many people as we can.

Pro bono.

Feel free to message us on: thenftscorner@gmail.com